Artificial Intelligence

While many debate today about benefits and risks of AI, we, at Berexia believe in moderation. We use deep learning techniques to create smart solutions that serve for better cause of humanity and our clients.

Smart Cities

Berexia reduced electricity costs by 30%, reduced the carbon footprint by more than 40%, predicted maintenance and tracked the path to Net Zero by creating a Grid-Interactive Efficient Building (GEB) Platform that connects to all devices, meters, and sensors in a building to enable analytics and machine learning algorithms to optimize the building energy management in real time continuously.

Smart Cities-berexia
Smart port-berexia

Smart port ​


Cloud services today are used probably by the most of entities and business around world who need to store data and operate efficiently. Without cloud services one struggles to reduce the capital expenditure, scale up the business, have global reach and even have proper compliance and security in place. We at Berexia, help financial institutions in many ways. Together with our strategic partners we provide cloud-based infrastructure that enables them to upscale their businesses.

E-learning platform

(Morocco, France)

Berexia eliminated the risk of creating fake diplomas, we created a mechanism to detect falsification by introducing block chain and AI technologies that secure and authenticate the official documents once produced by the Academia

E-learning platform-berexia
E-sport NFT 
trading marketplace
berexia-E-sport NFT 
trading marketplace

E-sport NFT 
trading marketplace

(US, Dubai, Morocco)

In collaboration with Amazon for e-sport: We managed to shift the revenue model for e sports team and increase cross-sales by 21% and embrace the new sport revenue model paradigm.